descriptionMy PFC with Latex
ownerGustavo Martin Morcuende
last changeSun, 10 Feb 2013 03:41:44 +0000 (04:41 +0100)
2013-02-10 gumartinmLatest changes: budget, cover (year) and abstract master
2013-02-03 gumartinmImproving chapter 1.
2012-12-15 gumartinmHow to use new features in settings window.
2012-12-13 gumartinmChanges in budget chapter.
2012-12-05 gumartinmImproved abstract section.
2012-12-05 gumartinmMerge branch 'master' of
2012-12-05 gumartinmThis is the end... my friend.
2012-12-05 gumartinmImproved abstract
2012-12-05 gumartinmFixed error in Web data base picture.
2012-12-04 gumartinmRepeat 1000 times: apoyarme not apollarme LOL
2012-12-04 gumartinmWorking on the Glosario chapter
2012-12-04 gumartinmModifications in Abstract section
2012-12-02 gumartinmMerge branch 'master' of
2012-12-02 gumartinmUpdate web data base diagram.
2012-12-02 gumartinmGant diagram fits in one page.
2012-11-29 Gustavo Martin... Improving the look
11 years ago master