Agradecimientos. Serious way.
[PFCLatex/.git] / source / mobiads.wsdl
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <wsdl:description 
3     xmlns:wsdl=""
4     targetNamespace=""
5     xmlns:tns=""
6     xmlns:whttp=""
7     xmlns:wsdlx=""
8     xmlns:xs=""
9     xmlns:msg="">
10     <wsdl:documentation>
11         This is a WSDL 2.0 description of a service which is intended to retrive
12         ads depending on the calling GPS coordinates.  
13     </wsdl:documentation>
14     <wsdl:types>
15         <xs:import namespace="" 
16             schemaLocation="booklist.xsd"/>
17     </wsdl:types>
18     <wsdl:interface name="GPSAdsInterface">
19         <wsdl:operation name="getAdsbyGPS"
20             pattern=""
21             wsdlx:safe="true">
22             <wsdl:documentation>
23                 This operation returns a list of ads.
24             </wsdl:documentation>
25             <wsdl:input element="#none"/>
26             <wsdl:ouput element="msg:adsList"/>
27         </wsdl:operation>
28     </wsdl:interface>
29     <wsdl:binding name="GPSAdsHTTPBinding"
30         type=""
31         interface="tns:GPSAdsInterface">
32         <wsdl:documentation>
33             The RESTful HTTP binding for the GPS Ads service.
34         </wsdl:documentation>
35         <wsdl:operation ref="tns:getAdsbyGPS" whttp:method="GET"/>
36     </wsd:binding>
37     <wsdl:service name="GPSAds" interface="tns:GPSAdsInterface">
38         <wsdl:documentation>
39             GPS Ads service: retrieve Ads by GPS coordinates.
40         </wsdl:documentation>
41         <wsdl:endpoint name="GPSAdsHTTPEndpoint"
42             binding="GPSAdsHTTPBinding"
43             address="">
44         </wsdl:endpoint>
45     </wsdl:service>
46 </wsdl:description>