descriptionC# for fun
ownerGustavo Martin Morcuende
last changeSun, 11 Jan 2015 21:14:04 +0000 (22:14 +0100)
2015-01-11 Gustavo Martin... MonoDevelop Addins: hello world, tyring to find all... master origin/HEAD origin/master
2015-01-11 Gustavo Martin... MonoDevelop Addins: hello world, trying to translate...
2015-01-11 Gustavo Martin... MonoDevelop Addins: hello world, xbuild Release
2015-01-11 Gustavo Martin... MonoDevelop Addins: hello world, L10n
2015-01-11 Gustavo Martin... MonoDevelop Addins: hello world, .addin.xml improvement...
2015-01-11 Gustavo Martin... MonoDevelop Addins: hello world, license and AnyCPU
2015-01-10 Gustavo Martin... MonoDevelop Addins: hello world, disable if no active...
2015-01-10 Gustavo Martin... MonoDevelop Addins: hello world
2014-12-31 Gustavo Martin... Update jsonrpc4net
2014-12-30 Gustavo Martin... Update GTK RemoteAgents
2014-10-05 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation WP8: MainPage with progress bar.
2014-10-05 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation WP8: MapPage improvements
2014-10-03 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation WP8: MapPage improvements
2014-09-04 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation WP8: more TODOs/doubts
2014-09-03 gu.martinm... WeatherInformaion WP8: TODO/doubts
2014-09-03 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation WP8: map page. Should I save UI...
10 years ago master