2016-08-30 Gustavo Martin... Narrowing down google play services dependencies we...
2016-08-29 Gustavo Martin... Since last upgrade build requires multi dex, also be...
2016-08-29 Gustavo Martin... AndroidHttpClient is deprecated
2016-08-29 Gustavo Martin... OpenWeatherMap requires (mandatory) API key
2016-08-29 Gustavo Martin... upgrade to Java 8 and Jack toolchain
2016-08-29 Gustavo Martin... upgrade sdk version
2015-01-12 Gustavo Martin... MapFragment.getMapAsync and the Android screen rotate... weatherinformation-1.1
2015-01-11 Gustavo Martin... MapFragment.getMapAsync and the Android screen rotate...
2015-01-06 Gustavo Martin... Using MapFragment.getMapAsync
2015-01-06 Gustavo Martin... Increase version number: 1.1
2014-12-25 Gustavo Martin... Remove maxSdkVersion weatherinformation-1.0
2014-12-21 Gustavo Martin... Working around this bug:
2014-12-21 Gustavo Martin... Google Analytics log level ERROR.
2014-12-21 Gustavo Martin... Disable debugging in release version
2014-12-16 Gustavo Martin... When RuntimeException in doInBackground method we must...
2014-12-14 Gustavo Martin... Using static inner class (just because we avoid pointer...
2014-12-14 Gustavo Martin... Trying to use Google Analytics for caught and uncaught...
2014-12-09 Gustavo Martin... Update buildToolsVersion 21.1.1
2014-12-08 Gustavo Martin... jackson-core: using gradle instead of local library
2014-12-08 Gustavo Martin... Using timber instead of default Android logger.
2014-12-08 Gustavo Martin... Android Studio, update to 1.0 RC4
2014-11-30 Gustavo Martin... App is only for handsets
2014-11-25 Gustavo Martin... strings.xml fixed error
2014-11-25 Gustavo Martin... clarifications about licenses and copyright
2014-11-25 Gustavo Martin... strings.xml file, improvements
2014-11-24 Gustavo Martin... Update file with notifications screenshot
2014-11-24 Gustavo Martin... Improvements in file
2014-11-24 Gustavo Martin... Improvements in
2014-11-24 Gustavo Martin... typos in
2014-11-24 Gustavo Martin... Update file with the logo.png file
2014-11-24 Gustavo Martin... typo in markdown format
2014-11-24 Gustavo Martin... Updating file (screenshots and descriptions)
2014-11-23 Gustavo Martin... Weather Information instead of WeatherInformation
2014-11-23 Gustavo Martin... Refresh interval instead of Update Time Rate
2014-11-23 Gustavo Martin... following the OpenWeatherMap recommendations: update...
2014-11-23 Gustavo Martin... Update HTTP client agent field
2014-11-22 Gustavo Martin... Removing TODO from PreferencesFragment
2014-11-22 Gustavo Martin... Logo, action bar and notification icons from xaml-icon...
2014-11-22 Gustavo Martin... Update message.
2014-11-22 Gustavo Martin... Logo, action bar and notification icons from xaml-icon...
2014-11-22 Gustavo Martin... Logo, action bar and notification icons from xaml-icon...
2014-11-22 Gustavo Martin... Logo, action bar and notification icons from xaml-icon...
2014-11-22 Gustavo Martin... Logo, action bar and notification icons from xaml-icon...
2014-11-22 Gustavo Martin... Update license files with the right file names for...
2014-11-22 Gustavo Martin... OpenWeatherMap license
2014-11-22 Gustavo Martin... OpenWeatherMap works better with an application ID
2014-11-22 Gustavo Martin... OpenWeatherMap works better with an application ID
2014-11-22 Gustavo Martin... Do not pass through the OpenWeatherMap proxy cache
2014-11-21 Gustavo Martin... New pattern for numbers: ###.##
2014-11-20 Gustavo Martin... Improvements in NotificationIntentService
2014-11-20 Gustavo Martin... No time for comments
2014-11-20 Gustavo Martin... Trying to use only strings from static resources
2014-11-20 Gustavo Martin... Units conversors: pressure, temperature and wind.
2014-11-18 Gustavo Martin... Update layout file names: weather_main_tabs.xml and...
2014-11-18 Gustavo Martin... Removing useless code
2014-11-18 Gustavo Martin... Improvements in Current layout
2014-11-18 Gustavo Martin... Remove unused drawables
2014-11-18 Gustavo Martin... Trying to avoid strings when using Intent
2014-11-18 Gustavo Martin... Update LICENSE files (the appendix is not required)
2014-11-18 Gustavo Martin... Using Intent constructor with package and class name...
2014-11-18 Gustavo Martin... New Intent without action and avoiding classes declarat...
2014-11-16 Gustavo Martin... Remove permanent widget current data when error
2014-11-16 Gustavo Martin... Update file
2014-11-16 Gustavo Martin... Update source code url to new location
2014-11-16 Gustavo Martin... Merge branch 'master' of
2014-11-16 Gustavo Martin... Update gitignore file
2014-11-16 Gustavo Martin... WeatherInformation: remove unused strings
2014-11-16 Gustavo Martin... WeatherInformation: tabs text as string resource
2014-11-16 Gustavo Martin... Initial commit
2014-11-16 Gustavo Martin... WeatherInformation: remove TODO from MapActivity
2014-11-16 Gustavo Martin... WeatherInformation: update serial version UID
2014-11-16 Gustavo Martin... WeatherInformation: http client agent string as resource
2014-11-16 Gustavo Martin... WeatherInformation: there are no tests (at the moment)
2014-11-16 Gustavo Martin... WeatherInformation: updating class names
2014-11-16 Gustavo Martin... WeatherInformation: remove unused xml file
2014-11-16 Gustavo Martin... WeatherInformation: WidgetIntentService remove unused...
2014-11-16 Gustavo Martin... WeatherInformation: removing old useless main.xml file
2014-11-16 Gustavo Martin... WeatherInformation: license and third party licenses
2014-11-16 Gustavo Martin... WeatherInformation: service and jpos current and foreca...
2014-11-15 Gustavo Martin... WeatherInformation: using package name.gumartinm.weathe...
2014-11-15 Gustavo Martin... WeatherInformation: remove API key information from...
2014-11-15 Gustavo Martin... WeatherInformation: new package definition,
2014-11-13 Gustavo Martin... WeatherInformation: removing TODOs
2014-11-13 Gustavo Martin... WeatherInformation: sun rise/set is shown using the...
2014-11-12 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation: removing TODOs
2014-11-12 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation: JPOSWeatherParser, missing equals...
2014-11-12 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation: current view, fixed error
2014-11-12 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation: sun rise/set time UTC
2014-11-12 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation: current view, fixed error
2014-11-10 Gustavo Martin... WeatherInformation: licenses activity
2014-11-04 Gustavo Martin... WeatherInformation: app activity, improvements
2014-11-03 Gustavo Martin... WeatherInformation: About activity
2014-11-03 Gustavo Martin... WeatherInformation: improvements in widget configuratio...
2014-11-01 Gustavo Martin... WeatherInformation: strange weather condition code...
2014-11-01 Gustavo Martin... WeatherInformation: widget, remove storaged data on...
2014-11-01 Gustavo Martin... WeatherInformation: widget, refresh stores to permanent...
2014-10-31 Gustavo Martin... WeatherInformation: specific layout improvements
2014-10-30 Gustavo Martin... WeatherInformation: specific fragment layout, improvement.
2014-10-30 Gustavo Martin... WeatherInformation: widget update and refresh, right...
2014-10-26 Gustavo Martin... WeatherInformation: widget configuration no using Prefe...