2014-09-23 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation: notification with custom layout
2014-09-22 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation: notification with alarm
2014-09-22 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation: overview
2014-09-22 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation: onPause and onResume intstead of...
2014-09-22 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation: message when no chosen location
2014-09-21 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation: OverviewFragment show progress...
2014-09-21 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation: catching Throwable in MapProgressFr...
2014-09-20 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation: GooglePlayServices DOES NOT WORK...
2014-09-20 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation:
2014-09-17 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation: map with progress bar
2014-09-15 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation: getApplicationContext() works even...
2014-09-15 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation: usind broadcastrecevier
2014-09-10 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation:
2014-09-10 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation: MapActivity
2014-09-09 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation: overview with progress indicator.
2014-09-09 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation Android: specific layout improvements
2014-09-09 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation Android:
2014-09-09 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation Android: MapActivity improvements
2014-09-08 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation Android: remove external storage...
2014-09-08 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation Android: current and specific
2014-09-08 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation Android: remove old jackson-core...
2014-09-07 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation Android: current and specific layout...
2014-09-07 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation Android: no time for comments
2014-09-06 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation Android
2014-09-05 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation Android: MapActivity
2014-09-05 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation Android: MapActivity using GoogleApi...
2014-09-04 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation Android: TODOs/doubts
2014-09-04 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation Android: map looking good, WIP
2014-09-03 gu.martinm... WeatherInformatio Android: map WIP
2014-09-02 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation Android
2014-09-02 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation Android
2014-08-31 gu.martinm... Android WeatherInformation:
2014-08-30 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation Android:
2014-08-29 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation Android. Modifications in tabs behav...
2014-05-26 gu.martinm... Merge branch 'master' of
2014-05-26 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation: improvements in custom HTTP client.
2014-05-06 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation: just update remote values when...
2014-05-06 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation: remove .jar files from libs directory
2014-05-05 gu.martinm... No time for comments
2014-05-05 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation: wake up service with alarm
2014-05-03 gu.martinm... Android weather information: background weather update.
2014-04-22 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation: latest changes for tabs
2014-04-21 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation: new design with tabs
2014-04-21 gu.martinm... Weather information: fixing locale to Locale.US
2014-04-20 gu.martinm... Remove api key and create new one...
2014-04-20 gu.martinm... Weather app android: current data information.
2014-04-20 gu.martinm... No time for comments
2014-04-19 gu.martinm... Trying to implement weather information app. This is...
2014-04-16 gu.martinm... Weather Information: remove provider
2014-04-15 gu.martinm... Improvements in lists.
2014-04-15 gu.martinm... Current and forecast weather information.
2014-04-14 gu.martinm... I do not like openweathermap
2014-04-11 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation service improvements
2014-04-11 gu.martinm... WeatherServicePersistenceFile
2014-04-10 gu.martinm... No time for comments
2014-04-10 gu.martinm... New overview list. WIP: implementation for tabs and...
2014-04-09 gu.martinm... RelativeLayout sucks!!!
2014-04-09 gu.martinm... Weather Information: nice zoom in map and remove old...
2014-04-09 gu.martinm... Weather Information: remove mylocation from map
2014-04-09 gu.martinm... Improvements in GUI for google map in weather informati...
2014-04-08 gu.martinm... No time for comments
2014-04-08 gu.martinm... No time
2014-04-08 gu.martinm... No time for comments
2014-04-08 gu.martinm... No time for comments.
2014-04-07 gu.martinm... Weather Information with Google Maps
2014-04-04 gu.martinm... No time for comments
2014-04-04 gu.martinm... No time for coments
2014-04-04 gu.martinm... Store weather data in file.
2014-04-02 gu.martinm... No time for comments
2014-04-02 gu.martinm... No time for comments
2014-04-01 gu.martinm... Android app weather info. Preferences, WIP.
2014-03-31 gu.martinm... WeatherInformation: working on preferences activity.
2014-03-31 gu.martinm... No time for comments
2014-03-30 gu.martinm... No time for comments
2014-03-30 gu.martinm... Using my Galaxy Nexus Android version
2014-03-30 gu.martinm... Android WeatherInformation application.