2015-12-19 Gustavo Martin... jaxb2: web-services-spring-jaxb2-client using @Service...
2015-12-19 Gustavo Martin... jaxb2: right maven plugin configuration for generating...
2015-12-19 Gustavo Martin... cxf: many improvements about how Spring WS works
2015-12-19 Gustavo Martin... jaxb2: many improvements about how Spring WS works
2015-12-19 Gustavo Martin... log4j2 improvements
2015-12-19 Gustavo Martin... Getting rid of Jakarta Commons Logging (used by Spring)
2015-12-19 Gustavo Martin... Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/gumartinm...
2015-12-19 Gustavo Martin... Getting rid of Jakarta Commons Logging (used by Spring)
2015-12-19 Gustavo Martin... Getting rid of Jakarta Commons Logging (used by Spring)
2015-12-15 Gustavo Martin... cxf: new url for autogenerated WSDL
2015-12-15 Gustavo Martin... jaxb2: jaxws:bindings not available with maven-jaxb2...
2015-12-15 Gustavo Martin... jaxb2: catalog working and comment about why maven...
2015-12-15 Gustavo Martin... jaxb2: trying to use catalago. It is not working yet...
2015-12-14 Gustavo Martin... update TODO list in README file
2015-12-14 Gustavo Martin... Using maven-jaxb2-plugin
2015-12-13 Gustavo Martin... cxf: pom.xml files, formatting
2015-12-13 Gustavo Martin... Preparing to test jaxb2 plugin
2015-09-27 Gustavo Martin... ArrayList from XSD
2015-06-07 Gustavo Martin... Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/gumartinm...
2015-06-07 Gustavo Martin... client integration tests, client custom bindings
2015-06-07 Gustavo Martin... client integration tests, client custom bindings
2015-06-05 Gustavo Martin... fixing minor issues
2015-06-05 Gustavo Martin... using maven-surefire-plugin and maven-failsafe-plugin
2015-06-04 Gustavo Martin... integration and unit tests
2015-06-04 Gustavo Martin... adding parent.xsd to PayloadValidatingInterceptor
2015-06-04 Gustavo Martin... making work server integration tests
2015-06-04 Gustavo Martin... improvements to catalog.cat file
2015-06-01 Gustavo Martin... catalog.cat, nice links with documentation
2015-05-31 Gustavo Martin... using catalog.cat
2015-05-31 Gustavo Martin... web-services-spring-globalxsds: global project for...
2015-05-31 Gustavo Martin... Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/gumartinm...
2015-05-31 Gustavo Martin... Custom xs:dateTime binder
2015-05-31 Gustavo Martin... Custom xs:dateTime binder
2015-05-31 Gustavo Martin... cxf-xjc-dv: update version from 2.3.0 to 3.0.3
2015-05-25 Gustavo Martin... Spring Web Services SOAP: new implementation
2015-05-20 gu.martinm... No time for comments
2015-05-18 gu.martinm... TODO: I do not manage to use custom bindings when gener...
2015-05-18 gu.martinm... Updates to Java 8
2015-05-18 gu.martinm... With cxf-xjc-plugin and cxf-codegen-plugin we can use...
2015-05-18 gu.martinm... Instructions about how to compile, deploy and run Jetty...
2014-02-09 gu.martinm... Avoid inheritance in XSD files with JAXB custom bindings.
2012-11-13 gumartinmLoads of changes.
2012-11-11 gumartinmMinor changes.
2012-11-08 gumartinmA lot of changes.
2012-11-04 gumartinmTrying to implement web services with Spring.
2012-11-04 gumartinmCustom .gitignore file for Eclipse
2012-11-04 gumartinmInitial commit