// requested URI contains a query.
client.Headers.Add("user-agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Linux; Mono .NET 4.5)");
- using (Stream data = client.OpenRead (line))
- using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(data))
+ using (Stream replyStream = client.OpenRead (line))
+ using (StreamReader replyStreamReader = new StreamReader(replyStream))
- string s = reader.ReadToEnd();
+ string s = replyStreamReader.ReadToEnd();
- // data.Dispose();
- // data.Close();
- // reader.Dispose();
- // reader.Close();
- // client.Dispose();
line = null;
Console.WriteLine("Write URI: ");
line = Console.ReadLine();
- using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
- {
- // Another way, using DownloadDataAsync and its delegate.
- // WebClient.DownloadStringCompleted
- // client.DownloadDataCompleted += new DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler(DownloadDataCallback);
- // client.DownloadDataAsync (uri, waiter);
- // We may retrieve the data using WebClient.DownloadDataCompletedEventArgs.Result in the
- // delegate implementation (our callback/lambda expression/delegate implementation)
- client.OpenReadCompleted += new OpenReadCompletedEventHandler(OpenReadCallback);
- // Taken from: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/wewwczdw.aspx
- // Asynchronous Method Overloads:
- // There are potentially two overloads for the asynchronous operations: single-invocation and
- // multiple-invocation. You can distinguish these two forms by their method signatures: the
- // multiple-invocation form has an extra parameter called userState. This form makes it possible
- // for your code to call Method1Async(string param, object userState) multiple times without
- // waiting for any pending asynchronous operations to finish. If, on the other hand, you try to
- // call Method1Async(string param) before a previous invocation has completed, the method
- // raises an InvalidOperationException.
- // The userState parameter for the multiple-invocation overloads allows you to distinguish
- // among asynchronous operations. You provide a unique value (for example, a GUID or hash code)
- // for each call to Method1Async(string param, object userState), and when each operation
- // is completed, your event handler can determine which instance of the operation raised
- // the completion event.
- // Tracking Pending Operations:
- // If you use the multiple-invocation overloads, your code will need to keep track of
- // the userState objects (task IDs) for pending tasks. For each call to
- // Method1Async(string param, object userState), you will typically generate a new,
- // unique userState object and add it to a collection. When the task corresponding to this
- // userState object raises the completion event, your completion method implementation will
- // examine AsyncCompletedEventArgs.UserState and remove it from your collection. Used this way,
- // the userState parameter takes the role of a task ID.
- // You must be careful to provide a unique value for userState in your calls to multiple-invocation
- // overloads. Non-unique task IDs will cause the asynchronous class throw an ArgumentException.
- var taskId = Guid.NewGuid();
- client.OpenReadAsync(new Uri(line), taskId);
- client.Dispose ();
- // I could make more calls in this way:
- // taskId = Guid.NewGuid();
- // client.OpenReadAsync(new Uri(line), taskId);
- // taskId = Guid.NewGuid();
- // client.OpenReadAsync(new Uri(line), taskId);
- }
- // How to wait for client end without using sleep? I am afraid, there is no way :(
- Console.WriteLine ("Press any key to continue after receiving data.");
+ /**
+ * IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO CALL WebClient.Dispose() without creating a complete mess. :/
+ * Besides, calling Dispose() does not seem really useful (AFAIU after reading the Mono implementation)
+ * and this answer from SE: http://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/9714/using-statement-in-context-of-streams-and-webclients
+ * seems to match what I have already seen in the Mono code. So, I will use the using statement
+ * when working with WebClient class in a synchronous way even when I know it probably does not do anything useful
+ * and will not bother calling WebClient.Dispose() when using WebClient in asynchronous way because
+ * the code ends up being too complex.
+ * Hopefully this will work smoothly :)
+ */
+ WebClient webClientAsync = new WebClient();
+ // Another way, using DownloadDataAsync and its delegate.
+ // WebClient.DownloadStringCompleted
+ // client.DownloadDataCompleted += new DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler(DownloadDataCallback);
+ // client.DownloadDataAsync (uri, waiter);
+ // We may retrieve the data using WebClient.DownloadDataCompletedEventArgs.Result in the
+ // delegate implementation (our callback/lambda expression/delegate implementation)
+ webClientAsync.OpenReadCompleted += new OpenReadCompletedEventHandler(OpenReadCallback);
+ // Taken from: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/wewwczdw.aspx
+ // Asynchronous Method Overloads:
+ // There are potentially two overloads for the asynchronous operations: single-invocation and
+ // multiple-invocation. You can distinguish these two forms by their method signatures: the
+ // multiple-invocation form has an extra parameter called userState. This form makes it possible
+ // for your code to call Method1Async(string param, object userState) multiple times without
+ // waiting for any pending asynchronous operations to finish. If, on the other hand, you try to
+ // call Method1Async(string param) before a previous invocation has completed, the method
+ // raises an InvalidOperationException.
+ // The userState parameter for the multiple-invocation overloads allows you to distinguish
+ // among asynchronous operations. You provide a unique value (for example, a GUID or hash code)
+ // for each call to Method1Async(string param, object userState), and when each operation
+ // is completed, your event handler can determine which instance of the operation raised
+ // the completion event.
+ // Tracking Pending Operations:
+ // If you use the multiple-invocation overloads, your code will need to keep track of
+ // the userState objects (task IDs) for pending tasks. For each call to
+ // Method1Async(string param, object userState), you will typically generate a new,
+ // unique userState object and add it to a collection. When the task corresponding to this
+ // userState object raises the completion event, your completion method implementation will
+ // examine AsyncCompletedEventArgs.UserState and remove it from your collection. Used this way,
+ // the userState parameter takes the role of a task ID.
+ // You must be careful to provide a unique value for userState in your calls to multiple-invocation
+ // overloads. Non-unique task IDs will cause the asynchronous class throw an ArgumentException.
+ var taskId = Guid.NewGuid();
+ webClientAsync.OpenReadAsync(new Uri(line), taskId);
+ /**
+ * I WILL NOT CALL Dispose when using WebClient in asynchronous way.
+ * webClientAsync.Dispose ();
+ */
+ // I could make more calls in this way BUT JUST ONCE THE LAST ASYNC OPERATION WAS COMPLETED!!!!
+ // From here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9765109/webclient-does-not-support-concurrent-i-o-operations
+ // And here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7905445/wb-downloadfileasync-throw-webclient-does-not-support-concurrent-i-o-operations
+ // When calling DownloadFileAsync method you have to make sure it completes before trying to download again.
+ //
+ // So, I should wait until the async operation is completed and then I could use OpenReadAsync again, but not before. :(
+ // taskId = Guid.NewGuid();
+ // webClientAsync.OpenReadAsync(new Uri(line), taskId);
+ // taskId = Guid.NewGuid();
+ // webClientAsync.OpenReadAsync(new Uri(line), taskId);
+ // How to wait for client end without using sleep? I am afraid, there is no nice way. Anyhow if you are using Async,
+ // why would you want to wait?
Console.WriteLine("Write URI: ");
line = Console.ReadLine();
- using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
- using (Task<Stream> data = client.OpenReadTaskAsync(line))
- //using (Stream stream = data.Result)
+ using (WebClient client = new WebClient ())
- data.Start();
+ // AFAIK (see comments in some place above) I do not need to call WebClient.Dispose. Anyhow, in this case, the code
+ // is not too complicated so, I will write the using statement.
+ /**
+ * Should I call Task.Dispose()? Answer:
+ * DO NOT BOTHER DISPOSING OF YOUR TASKS: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/pfxteam/archive/2012/03/25/10287435.aspx
+ */
+ Task<Stream> task = client.OpenReadTaskAsync (line);
+ task.Start ();
try {
- Task.WaitAll(data);
- }
- catch (AggregateException ae)
- {
- ae.Handle(e =>
- {
- if (e is OperationCanceledException)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Cancelling a Task, catching OperationCanceledException: {0} {1}", e.Message, e.StackTrace);
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Cancelling a Task, dunno what are you: {0} {1}", e.Message, e.StackTrace);
- return false;
- }
- });
+ Task.WaitAll (task);
+ } catch (AggregateException ae) {
+ ae.Handle (e => {
+ if (e is OperationCanceledException) {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Cancelling a Task, catching OperationCanceledException: {0}", e);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ Console.WriteLine ("Cancelling a Task, dunno what are you: {0}", e);
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
- Stream dataStream = data.Result;
- if (dataStream != null)
+ // I am starting to love the using statement instead of traditional try/finally block with check for null values and close.
+ using (Stream replyStream = task.Result)
+ using (StreamReader replyStreamReader = new StreamReader (replyStream))
+ string s = replyStreamReader.ReadToEnd ();
+ Console.WriteLine (s);
private void OpenReadCallback (Object sender, OpenReadCompletedEventArgs eventData)
- Stream replyStream = null;
- StreamReader replyStreamReader = null;
- // Old fashined way (without using)
- // NOTE: using statement is the same as this code (it also checks for null value before calling
- // the Dispose method)
var taskId = (Guid) eventData.UserState;
if (eventData.Cancelled)
Exception errorException = eventData.Error;
if (errorException != null)
- Console.WriteLine ("Task with Exception. Taks Id: {0}, Exception: ", taskId, errorException);
+ Console.WriteLine ("Task with Exception. Taks Id: {0}, Exception: {1}", taskId, errorException);
+ // Old fashined way (without using)
+ // NOTE: using statement is the same as this code (it also checks for null value before calling
+ // the Dispose method)
+ Stream replyStream = null;
+ StreamReader replyStreamReader = null;
+ Console.WriteLine ("Taks Id: {0}", taskId);
- // throw new Exception("It will become an UnHandled Exception if the main thread does not cath it" +
- // "and it will kill my application :(");
replyStream = (Stream) eventData.Result;
replyStreamReader = new StreamReader (replyStream);
Console.WriteLine (replyStreamReader.ReadToEnd ());
- // throw new Exception("If I throw exception here, weird things will happen. Shouldn't it become" +
- // "a UnHandled Exception?");
+ // throw new Exception("My Exception from Async CallBack");
+ // AND THAT CATCH EXCEPTION IS CALLING AGAIN MY OpenReadCallback. When calling OpenReadCallback in the catch
+ // Exception block eventData.Error will not be null. So, my OpenReadCallback could be called more than once if
+ // there are multiple Exceptions being thrown from my OpenReadCallback method. :/
+ // (As I've done here)