package de.javapos.example.hardware;
import java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler;
import java.nio.channels.Channels;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.channels.FileLock;
+import java.nio.channels.OverlappingFileLockException;
import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException;
-import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import jpos.JposConst;
import jpos.JposException;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import de.javapos.example.ThreadSafe;
import de.javapos.example.queue.JposEventListener;
+ * Not thread-safe
+ *
+ * @author
+ *
+ */
public class KeyBoardDeviceLinux implements BaseKeyBoardDriver {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(KeyBoardDeviceLinux.class);
//value EV_KEY from include/linux/input.h
private static final int EV_KEY = 1;
- private Semaphore mutex = new Semaphore(1, true);
+ private static final String javaposKeyBoardLock = "/tmp/javaposKeyBoardLock";
//No me gusta nada esto, simplemente es para evitar mirar si thread es null la primera vez en el metodo enable...
private Thread thread = new Thread ("KeyBoardDeviceLinux-Thread");
- private InputStream device;
- private FileChannel fileChannel;
+ private DataInputStream device;
+ private FileChannel fileChannelLock;
private boolean isClaimed;
private boolean autoDisable;
private boolean isEnabled;
+ /**
+ * Not thread-safe.
+ * This method just works in the following cases:
+ * 1. Several processes trying to claim the device. Just one will own the device and the another
+ * receive a nice exception.
+ * 2. Several threads in the same Java process trying to claim the device. If the class loader is the same for
+ * both threads for sure one will lock and the another one receive an exception.
+ * This method probably is not going to work in this case:
+ * 1. Several threads in the same Java process with different class loaders. The java.nio classes must be in the
+ * same class loader, otherwise (I have not tested it) the threads are not going to realize the file was previously locked
+ * because the FileLock implementation is using static fields in order to find out if the file was locked before.
+ * See: SharedFileLockTable in FileChannelImpl where the static classes are being used. By the way, since Java 5.0
+ * it is system-wide but in 1.4 it was not. The doubt is with different class loaders for each thread... Is this "system-wide"
+ * implementation going to work? I do not think so.
+ */
public void claim(int paramInt) throws JposException {
+ FileLock lock = null;
+ try {
+ this.fileChannelLock = new FileOutputStream(javaposKeyBoardLock).getChannel();
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+ throw new JposException(JposConst.JPOS_E_NOTCLAIMED, "File not found.",e);
+ }
if (paramInt == -1) {
try {
- this.lock = this.fileChannel.lock();
+ lock = this.fileChannelLock.lock();
+ //I do not like catching RunTimeExceptions but I have no choice...
+ } catch (OverlappingFileLockException e) {
+ throw new JposException(JposConst.JPOS_E_CLAIMED, "Some thread from this process already claimed this device.",e);
} catch (IOException e) {
- throw new JposException(JposConst.JPOS_E_CLAIMED, "Device not found.",e);
+ throw new JposException(JposConst.JPOS_E_CLAIMED, "Error while trying to claim device.",e);
else {
- long initTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ long initTime = System.nanoTime();
do {
try {
- this.lock = this.fileChannel.tryLock();
+ lock = this.fileChannelLock.tryLock();
+ //I do not like catching RunTimeExceptions but I have no choice...
+ } catch (OverlappingFileLockException e) {
+ throw new JposException(JposConst.JPOS_E_CLAIMED, "Some thread from this process already claimed this device.",e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new JposException(JposConst.JPOS_E_CLAIMED, "Error while trying to claim device.",e);
- } while (((System.currentTimeMillis() - initTime) < paramInt) && (this.lock == null));
- if (this.lock == null) {
+ } while ((((System.nanoTime() - initTime)/ 1000000) < paramInt) && (lock == null));
+ if (lock == null) {
throw new JposException(JposConst.JPOS_E_TIMEOUT, "Timeout while trying to claim device.");
+ else {
+ this.lock = lock;
+ }
else {
if (this.thread.isAlive()) {
throw new JposException(JposConst.JPOSERR, "The device was disabled but the hardware " +
- "thread is still running. Is your CPU/CPUs overloaded?");
+ "thread is still running. Overloaded system?");
else {
- this.thread = new Thread (new HardwareLoop(this.device), "KeyBoardDeviceLinux-Thread");
+ this.thread = new Thread (new HardwareLoop(this.device, this.eventListener), "KeyBoardDeviceLinux-Thread");
this.thread.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new DriverHWUncaughtExceptionHandler());
this.isEnabled = true;
public void device(String device) throws JposException {
try {
- this.fileChannel = new FileInputStream(device).getChannel();
- this.device = Channels.newInputStream(this.fileChannel);
+ this.device = new DataInputStream(Channels.newInputStream(new FileInputStream(device).getChannel()));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new JposException(JposConst.JPOS_E_NOHARDWARE, "Device not found.",e);
private class HardwareLoop implements Runnable {
- private final InputStream device;
+ private final DataInputStream device;
+ private final JposEventListener eventListener;
- private HardwareLoop (InputStream device) {
+ private HardwareLoop (DataInputStream device, JposEventListener eventListener) {
this.device = device;
+ this.eventListener = eventListener;
public void run() {
- //Para 32 bits
- //En 64 bits me parece que struct timeval tiene un valor diferente. Averigüar valor de
- //struct timeval en 64 bits :(
- byte []buffer = new byte[32];
+ //OS 64 bits
+ byte []buffer = new byte[24];
short code = 0;
short type = 0;
int value = 0;
int ch4 = 0;
try {
- while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
+ while (true) {
//using command: evtest /dev/input/event4
- ch1 = buffer[11];
- ch2 = buffer[10];
+ //It is not clear hear but I am using ) method which throws
+ //exception (java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException) when the thread is interrupted
+ //see: Thread.interrupt(), and
+ //java.nio.channels.spi.AbstractInterruptibleChannel.begin() methods
+ //Basically before getting in an I/O operation that might block indefinitely the begin method implements
+ //the Thread.blocker field. This field is used when running the method Thread.interrupt(). The blocker
+ //implementation closes the file descriptor, so the I/0 operation throws an IOException (closed file)
+ //In the finally block of the method we can find the
+ //java.nio.channels.spi.AbstractInterruptibleChannel.end(boolean) method which throws the java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException
+ //We are losing the IOException (because the file was closed by the blocker implementation) but indeed
+ //the reality is that we are getting out of the I/O blocking operation because we interrupted the running thread.
+ this.device.readFully(buffer);
+ ch1 = buffer[19];
+ ch2 = buffer[18];
code = (short)((ch1 << 8) + (ch2 << 0));
- ch1 = buffer[9];
- ch2 = buffer[8];
+ ch1 = buffer[17];
+ ch2 = buffer[16];
type = (short)((ch1 << 8) + (ch2 << 0));
- ch1 = buffer[15];
- ch2 = buffer[14];;
- ch3 = buffer[13];
- ch4 = buffer[12];
+ ch1 = buffer[23];
+ ch2 = buffer[22];;
+ ch3 = buffer[21];
+ ch4 = buffer[20];
value = ((ch1 << 24) + (ch2 << 16) + (ch3 << 8) + (ch4 << 0));
if (type == KeyBoardDeviceLinux.EV_KEY) {
- System.out.println("type: " + type + " code: " + code + " value: " + value);
+ //this.eventListener.inputAvailable(code);
+ logger.debug("Captured key " + "type: " + type + " code: " + code + " value: " + value);
- System.out.println("KeyBoardDeviceLinux: Hardware's thread finished.");
- //logger.debug("KeyBoardDeviceLinux: Hardware's thread finished.");
+ } catch (EOFException e) {
+ logger.error("Something went really bad. Impossible end of file while reading keyboard device!!!!", e);
} catch (IOException e) {
- //logger.error("KeyBoardDeviceLinux:", e);
- e.printStackTrace();
+ //We reach this code because the thread was interrupted (disable) or because there was an I/O error
+ //logger.debug or logger.error if it was an error I am not going to log it... :/
+ logger.debug("Finished KeyBoardDeviceLinux Thread", e);
} finally {
try {
+ //¿como moriria este hilo de forma inesperada?? por ejemplo por RunTimeException
+ //¿Como hago saber a la aplicacion que este hilo murio de forma inesperada por RunTimeException y el teclado
+ //ha dejado de funcionar... Si el teclado deja de funcionar no sería mejor parar toda la aplicacion y ver
+ //que pasa...
} catch (IOException e1) {
- e1.printStackTrace();
- //logger.warn("KeyBoardDeviceLinux:", e1);
+ logger.warn("Something went wrong while closing the channel",e1);
public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {
- System.out.println("Thread " + t.getName() + " " + e);
- //logger.warn("Exception not expected while running thread " + t.getName() , e);
- e.printStackTrace();
+ logger.warn("Exception not expected while running thread " + t.getName() , e);
public static void main(String[] param) throws InterruptedException
//Because I do not have a POS I am going to use the keyboard of my computer.
//see: /dev/input/by-path/
//And the Keyborad scancode is for USB devices.
- String device ="/dev/input/event4";
+ String device ="/dev/input/event6";
KeyBoardDeviceLinux driver = new KeyBoardDeviceLinux();
- System.out.println("Main test of KeyBoardDeviceLinux class");
+"Main test of KeyBoardDeviceLinux class");
try {
- driver.claim();
+ driver.claim(10000);
- System.out.println("End test of KeyBoardDeviceLinux class");
+ driver.release();
+"End test of KeyBoardDeviceLinux class");
} catch (JposException e) {
- e.getOrigException().printStackTrace();
- e.printStackTrace();
+ if (e.getOrigException() != null) {
+"Origen JposException", e.getOrigException());
+ }
+"JposException", e);