* @package mobileadvertising
* @subpackage api
- * @author Your name here
- * @version SVN: $Id: actions.class.php 23810 2009-11-12 11:07:44Z Kris.Wallsmith $
+ * @author Gustavo Martin Morcuende
+ * @version
class apiActions extends sfActions
public function executeGetadsbygps(sfWebRequest $request)
- //With RESTFUL is allowed to use cookies to get authentication (user / password)
- $this->ads = AdTable::getInstance()->getAdsByGPSandUserId($this->getRoute()->getParameters(), $this->getUser()->getGuardUser()->getId());
- if (!$this->ads)
- {
- //If there are not results.
- //In production replace this line by a die command (trying to stop wasting TCP bandwidth)
- throw new sfError404Exception(sprintf('
- There are not offices with GPS coordinates: longitude "%s" and
- latitude "%s".', $request->getParameter('longitude'), $request->getParameter('latitude')));
- //die;
- }
+ //RESTFUL permits to use cookies to implement authentication (user / password)
+ $parameters = $this->getRoute()->getParameters();
+ $userId = $this->getUser()->getGuardUser()->getId();
+ $this->ads = array();
+ $this->ads = AdDescriptionTable::getInstance()->getAdsByGPSAndUserIdAndLanguageId($this->getRoute()->getParameters(),
+ $this->getUser()->getGuardUser()->getId(),
+ $this->getUser()->getGuardUser()->getLanguage()->getId());
+ if (empty($this->ads))
+ {
+ //If there are not results.
+ //In production replace this line by a die command (trying to stop wasting TCP bandwidth)
+ throw new sfError404Exception(sprintf('
+ There are not offices with GPS coordinates: longitude "%s" and
+ latitude "%s".', $request->getParameter('longitude'), $request->getParameter('latitude')));
+ //die;
+ }
<?php foreach ($ads as $ad): ?>
- { "id" : "<?php echo $ad->getId()?>", "domain" : "<?php echo $ad->getDomain()?>", "link" : "<?php echo $ad->getLinks()?>" },
+ { "id" : "<?php echo $ad->getAd()->getId()?>", "image" : "<?php echo $ad->getAd()->getAdMobileImageLink() ?>", "link" : "<?php echo $ad->getAdLink()?>",
+ "text" : "<?php echo $ad->getAdMobileText()?>" },
<?php endforeach ?>
//Get data from user
$checked = $request->getParameter('checked');
+ $uniqChecked = array_unique($checked, SORT_NUMERIC);
//We retrieve a Doctrine_Collection
$userBaskets = UserBasketTable::getInstance()->findByUserId($userId);
$iterator = $userBaskets->getIterator();
while ($userBasket = $iterator->current())
- if (!empty($checked))
+ if (!empty($uniqChecked))
- foreach ($checked as $index => $value)
+ foreach ($uniqChecked as $index => $value)
if ($userBasket->getGeneralCategId() == $value)
- unset($checked[$index]);
+ unset($uniqChecked[$index]);
continue 2;
- if (!empty($checked))
+ if (!empty($uniqChecked))
- foreach ($checked as $index => $value)
+ foreach ($uniqChecked as $index => $value)
//Never trust in data coming from users... Performance vs security.
$generalCategory = GeneralCategoryTable::getInstance()->findOneById($value);
//Bypass completely the view layer and set the response code directly from this action.
//In this way the user may know if the data were updated
- return $this->renderText(json_encode($checked));
+ return $this->renderText(json_encode($uniqChecked));
$.post('<?php echo url_for('category/choose') ?>', {'checked[]': checked},
- alert("hola");
+ alert("Updated successfully!");
}, "json");
->innerjoin('addescription.Ad ad')
+ public function getAdsByGPSAndUserIdAndLanguageId(array $parameters, $userId, $languageId)
+ {
+ $longitude = $parameters['longitude'];
+ $latitude = $parameters['latitude'];
+ $longitude = str_replace(',', '.', $longitude);
+ $latitude = str_replace(',', '.', $latitude);
+ // I will use this style to retrieve the radius because this is an Academic Project and I want to learn the ins and outs of using Symfony.
+ // I am wasting CPU cycles using this symfony helper. My Web Service will get worse cause this sentence. In production get the radius
+ // from a constant value or something like that.
+ $radius = sfConfig::get('app_radius', '100');
+ try{
+ $adIds = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection()->fetchColumn(
+ "SELECT ad_id from office INNER JOIN office_ads ON (office_ads.office_id=office.id)
+ WHERE ST_DWithin(office_gps, ST_GeographyFromText('SRID=4326;POINT($longitude $latitude)'), $radius)"
+ );
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e)
+ {
+ //In case of error return as soon as posible.
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (empty($adIds))
+ { //There are not offices with those GPS coordinates.
+ //In many situations we will get this result, so a fast response.
+ return null;
+ }
+ $uniqAdIds = array_unique($adIds, SORT_NUMERIC);
+ //We can not waste time doing this query. What is the best way to achieve this goal?
+ //Is a direct query the best way? With big tables I think this is not going to work.
+ $adIds = array();
+ foreach ($uniqAdIds as $uniqAdId)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ $adIds[] = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection()->fetchOne(
+ "SELECT ad.id FROM ad INNER JOIN company_category ON (ad.company_categ_id=company_category.id)
+ INNER JOIN general_category ON (company_category.general_categ_id=general_category.id)
+ INNER JOIN user_basket ON (user_basket.general_categ_id=general_category.id)
+ WHERE user_id=$userId AND ad.id=$uniqAdId"
+ );
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e)
+ {
+ //In case of error return as soon as posible.
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ if (empty($adIds))
+ {
+ //There are not linked ads in those GPS coordinates with the specified user.
+ return null;
+ }
+ $ads = array();
+ foreach($adIds as $adId)
+ {
+ //Array with Doctrine_Records Ads
+ $ad = $this->findOneByAdIdAndLanguageId($adId, $languageId);
+ if ($ad != null)
+ {
+ $ads[] = $ad;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Return with the default language
+ $languageCode = sfConfig::get('app_default_language');
+ $languageId = LanguageTable::getInstance()->findOneByCode($languageCode)->getId();
+ $ads[] = $this->findOneByAdIdAndLanguageId($adId, $languageId);
+ }
+ }
+ return $ads;
+ }