(WeatherInformationApplication) getActivity().getApplication();
final Current current = application.getCurrent();
- // TODO: Why don't I need mListState?
// TODO: Also check whether data is fresh (like I do on WindowsPhone 8) using data base
if (current != null /* && dataIsFresh() */) {
// TODO: make sure UI thread keeps running in parallel after that. I guess.
- // TODO: Overview is doing things with mListState... Why not here?
savedInstanceState.putSerializable("Current", current);
- // TODO: Why don't I need mListState?
+ // TODO: How could I show just one progress dialog when I have two fragments in tabs
+ // activity doing the same in background?
+ // I mean, if OverviewTask shows one progress dialog and CurrentTask does the same I will have
+ // have two progress dialogs... How may I solve this problem? I HATE ANDROID.
private class CurrentTask extends AsyncTask<GeocodingData, Void, Current> {
final CustomHTTPClient weatherHTTPClient;
final ServiceParser weatherService;
+ // TODO: How could I show just one progress dialog when I have two fragments in tabs
+ // activity doing the same in background?
+ // I mean, if OverviewTask shows one progress dialog and CurrentTask does the same I will have
+ // have two progress dialogs... How may I solve this problem? I HATE ANDROID.
private class OverviewTask extends AsyncTask<GeocodingData, Void, Forecast> {
final CustomHTTPClient weatherHTTPClient;
final ServiceParser weatherService;