-<p>Custom rule description.</p>
+<p>AngularJS Controllers are instantiated every time a web page is loaded. <code>$rootScope.$on</code> do not automatically release the pointer to
+the Controller where it was called and <code>$rootScope</code> is an AngularJS singleton. After a couple of web page refreshes we end up having
+many instantiated Controllers that will not be used and they can not be reclaimed by the garbage collector because there is a reference to them
+from <code>$rootScope</code>. As a good practice we will not use <code>$rootScope.$on</code> in AngularJS Controllers.</p>
<h2>Noncompliant Code Example</h2>
-class MyClass {
- int foo1(int value) { return 0; }
- MyClass foo2(MyClass value) { return null; }
- ...
+function MyController($rootScope, USERS) {
+ var vm = this;
+ $rootScope.$on(USERS.ROOTSCOPE.BROADCAST, usersChildOnRootBroadcast); //$rootScope is a singleton, it is not released and either MyController
+ function usersChildOnRootBroadcast(events, broadcastUser) {
+ vm.broadcastUser = broadcastUser;
+ }
- <li> <a href="https://www.securecoding.cert.org/confluence/x/EYBUC">CERT, MSC11-J.</a> - You are doing wrong!!! </li>
+ <li> <a href="https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/type/$rootScope.Scope#$destroy">AngularJS</a> - Do not use $rootScope.$on in AngularJS Controllers</li>